Studienliteratur zu Keimzelltumoren (intra-und extrakraniell)
Intrakranielle Keimzelltumoren 
Suche nach Artikeln in den letzten sechs Monaten in PubMed (externes Informationsangebot)
- Murray MJ, Bailey S, Heinemann K, Mann J, Göbel UK, Saran F, Hale JP, Calaminus G, Nicholson JC: Treatment and outcomes of UK and German patients with relapsed intracranial germ cell tumors following uniform first-line therapy. International journal of cancer 2017, 141: 621 [PMID: 28463397]
- Calaminus G, Frappaz D, Kortmann RD, Krefeld B, Saran F, Pietsch T, Vasiljevic A, Garre ML, Ricardi U, Mann JR, Göbel U, Alapetite C, Murray MJ, Nicholson JC: Outcome of patients with intracranial non-germinomatous germ cell tumors-lessons from the SIOP-CNS-GCT-96 trial. Neuro-oncology 2017, 19: 1661 [PMID: 29048505]
- Kaatsch P, Häfner C, Calaminus G, Blettner M, Tulla M: Pediatric germ cell tumors from 1987 to 2011: incidence rates, time trends, and survival. Pediatrics 2015, 135:e136 [PMID: 25489016]
- Calaminus G, Kortmann R, Worch J, Nicholson JC, Alapetite C, Garrè ML, Patte C, Ricardi U, Saran F, Frappaz D: SIOP CNS GCT 96: final report of outcome of a prospective, multinational nonrandomized trial for children and adults with intracranial germinoma, comparing craniospinal irradiation alone with chemotherapy followed by focal primary site irradiation for patients with localized disease. Neuro-oncology 2013, 15: 788 [PMID: 23460321]
- Göbel U, von Kries R, Teske C, Schneider DT, Beyerlein A, Bernbeck B, Calaminus G: Brain metastases during follow-up of children and adolescents with extracranial malignant germ cell tumors: Risk adapted management decision tree analysis based on data of the MAHO/MAKEI-registry. Pediatric blood & cancer 2012, Epub ahead of print [PMID: 22693072]
- Göbel U, Schneider DT, Teske C, Schönberger S, Calaminus G: Brain metastases in children and adolescents with extracranial germ cell tumor - data of the MAHO/MAKEI-registry. Klinische Padiatrie 2010, 222: 140 [PMID: 20514616]
- Calaminus G: Intrakraniale Keimzelltumoren. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 2008, 156: 1181–1186 [DOI: 10.1007/s00112-008-1797-5]
- Schneider DT, Zahn S, Sievers S, Alemazkour K, Reifenberger G, Wiestler OD, Calaminus G, Göbel U, Perlman EJ: Molecular genetic analysis of central nervous system germ cell tumors with comparative genomic hybridization. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc 2006, 19: 864 [PMID: 16607373]
- Göbel U, Calaminus G, Schneider DT, Koch S, Teske C, Harms D: The malignant potential of teratomas in infancy and childhood: the MAKEI experiences in non-testicular teratoma and implications for a new protocol. Klinische Padiatrie 2006, 218: 309 [PMID: 17080332]
- Calaminus G, Andreussi L, Garré ML, Kortmann RD, Schober R, Göbel U: Secreting germ cell tumors of the central nervous system (CNS). First results of the cooperative German/Italian pilot study (CNS sGCT). Klinische Padiatrie 1997, 209: 222 [PMID: 9293454]
Extrakranielle Keimzelltumoren 
Suche nach Artikeln in den letzten sechs Monaten in PubMed (externes Informationsangebot)
- Schönberger S, Kraft D, Nettersheim D, Schorle H, Casati A, Craveiro RB, Mohseni MM, Calaminus G, Dilloo D: Targeting EpCAM by a Bispecific Trifunctional Antibody Exerts Profound Cytotoxic Efficacy in Germ Cell Tumor Cell Lines. Cancers 2020, 12 [PMID: 32438548]
- Calaminus G, Schneider DT, von Schweinitz D, Jürgens H, Infed N, Schönberger S, Olson TA, Albers P, Vokuhl C, Stein R, Looijenga L, Sehouli J, Metzelder M, Claviez A, Dworzak M, Eggert A, Fröhlich B, Gerber NU, Kratz CP, Faber J, Klingebiel T, Harms D, Göbel U: Age-Dependent Presentation and Clinical Course of 1465 Patients Aged 0 to Less than 18 Years with Ovarian or Testicular Germ Cell Tumors; Data of the MAKEI 96 Protocol Revisited in the Light of Prenatal Germ Cell Biology. Cancers 2020, 12 [PMID: 32155835]
- Sessa C, Schneider DT, Planchamp F, Baust K, Braicu EI, Concin N, Godzinski J, McCluggage WG, Orbach D, Pautier P, Peccatori FA, Morice P, Calaminus G: ESGO-SIOPE guidelines for the management of adolescents and young adults with non-epithelial ovarian cancers. The Lancet. Oncology 2020, 21:e360-e368 [PMID: 32615119]
- Skowron MA, Vermeulen M, Winkelhausen A, Becker TK, Bremmer F, Petzsch P, Schönberger S, Calaminus G, Köhrer K, Albers P, Nettersheim D: CDK4/6 inhibition presents as a therapeutic option for paediatric and adult germ cell tumours and induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via canonical and non-canonical mechanisms. British journal of cancer 2020, 123: 378 [PMID: 32418994]
- Kurz L, Miklyaeva A, Skowron MA, Overbeck N, Poschmann G, Becker T, Eul K, Kurz T, Schönberger S, Calaminus G, Stühler K, Dykhuizen E, Albers P, Nettersheim D: ARID1A Regulates Transcription and the Epigenetic Landscape via POLE and DMAP1 while ARID1A Deficiency or Pharmacological Inhibition Sensitizes Germ Cell Tumor Cells to ATR Inhibition. Cancers 2020, 12 [PMID: 32272809]
- Greimelmaier K, Calaminus G, Kristiansen G, Vokuhl C, Klapper W: Chromosomal gains of 12p and 1q are not associated with inferior outcome of pediatric and adolescent germ cell tumors. Pediatric blood & cancer 2019, 66:e27777 [PMID: 31045322]
- Nettersheim D, Oing C, Schönberger S, Skowron M, Vermeulen M, Müller M, Watolla M, Bremmer F, Pfister D, Calaminus G, Looijenga L, Lorch A, Albers P: [Current research on pediatric and adult germ cell tumors : A report from the first "Düsseldorfer Testis Cancer Day"]. Der Urologe 2019, 58: 804 [PMID: 31119354]
- Greinix HT: CAR-T-Zelltherapie: Nachbeobachtung der Patienten und CAR-T-Zell Register. Sperctrum Onkologie 2019, 06
- Kaatsch P, Häfner C, Calaminus G, Blettner M, Tulla M: Pediatric germ cell tumors from 1987 to 2011: incidence rates, time trends, and survival. Pediatrics 2015, 135:e136 [PMID: 25489016]
- Göbel U, Calaminus G, Haas R, Teske C, Schönberger S, Schneider DT, Leuschner I, Harms D: Testicular germ cell tumors in adolescents - results of the protocol MAHO 98 and the identification of good risk patients. Klinische Padiatrie 2014, 226(6-7): 316 [PMID: 25431864]
- Wessalowski R, Schneider DT, Mils O, Friemann V, Kyrillopoulou O, Schaper J, Matuschek C, Rothe K, Leuschner I, Willers R, Schönberger S, Göbel U, Calaminus G, MAKEI study group: Regional deep hyperthermia for salvage treatment of children and adolescents with refractory or recurrent non-testicular malignant germ-cell tumours: an open-label, non-randomised, single-institution, phase 2 study. The lancet oncology 2013, 14: 843 [PMID: 23823158]
- Hofmann M, Schlegel PG, Hippert F, Schmidt P, von-Schweinitz D, Leuschner I, Göbel U, Calaminus G, Schneider DT, MAKEI study group: Testicular sex cord stromal tumors: Analysis of patients from the MAKEI study. Pediatric blood & cancer 2013, 60: 1651 [PMID: 23733594]
- Schönberger S, Okpanyi V, Calaminus G, Heikaus S, Leuschner I, Nicholson JC, Stoecklein NH, Schneider DT, Borkhardt A: EPCAM-A novel molecular target for the treatment of pediatric and adult germ cell tumors. Genes, chromosomes & cancer 2013, 52: 24 [PMID: 22987628]
- Masqué-Soler N, Szczepanowski M, Leuschner I, Vokuhl C, Haag J, Calaminus G, Klapper W: Absence of BRAF mutation in pediatric and adolescent germ cell tumors indicate biological differences to adult tumors. Pediatric blood & cancer 2012, 59: 732 [PMID: 22147429]
- Hennes E, Zahn S, Lopes LF, Schönberger S, Leuschner I, Göbel U, Calaminus G, Schneider DT: Molecular genetic analysis of bilateral ovarian germ cell tumors. Klinische Padiatrie 2012, 224: 359 [PMID: 23143763]
- Calaminus G, Göbel U, Schrum J, Wittkugel O, Westphal M, Timmermann B: Proton beam therapy for loco-regional control of a recurrent mixed malignant germ cell tumor of the skull in a 22-month-old girl. Klinische Padiatrie 2010, 222: 175 [PMID: 20514623]
- Calaminus G, Schneider DT, Weissbach L, Schönberger S, Okpanyi V, Leuschner I, Poremba C, Göbel U: Survival after an antiangiogenetic therapy and surgery in a wide spread growing teratoma originating from a testicular mixed malignant germ cell tumor. Klinische Padiatrie 2009, 221: 136 [PMID: 19437360]
- Steffens J, Treiyer A, Calaminus G: [Management of pediatric testicular tumors : diagnosis, therapy, and follow-up]. Der Urologe. Ausg. A 2009, 48: 359 [PMID: 19280171]
- Bernbeck B, Schneider DT, Bernbeck B, Koch S, Teske C, Lentrodt J, Harms D, Göbel U, Calaminus G, MAKEI-Study Group: Germ cell tumors of the head and neck: report from the MAKEI Study Group. Pediatric blood & cancer 2009, 52: 223 [PMID: 18937314]
- Zahn S, Sievers S, Alemazkour K, Orb S, Harms D, Schulz WA, Calaminus G, Göbel U, Schneider DT: Imbalances of chromosome arm 1p in pediatric and adult germ cell tumors are caused by true allelic loss: a combined comparative genomic hybridization and microsatellite analysis. Genes, chromosomes & cancer 2006, 45: 995 [PMID: 16897744]
- Biskup W, Calaminus G, Schneider DT, Leuschner I, Göbel U: Teratoma with malignant transformation: experiences of the cooperative GPOH protocols MAKEI 83/86/89/96. Klinische Padiatrie 2006 Nov-Dec; 218: 303 [PMID: 17080331]
- Calaminus G, Bamberg M, Harms D, Jürgens H, Kortmann RD, Sörensen N, Wiestler OD, Göbel U: AFP/beta-HCG secreting CNS germ cell tumors: long-term outcome with respect to initial symptoms and primary tumor resection. Results of the cooperative trial MAKEI 89. Neuropediatrics 2005, 36: 71 [PMID: 15822019]