
Author: CWS, erstellt am: 2010/05/10, Last modification: 2021/10/18


CWS-guidance for risk adapted treatment of soft tissue sarcoma (STS) and soft tissue tumours in children, adolescents, and young adults.


Soft tissue tumours



Problem / Objectives

The CWS-Study-Grpup provides all participating centres of the registry SoTiSar with a threrapy guideline. The" CWS-Guidance" is a guideline for the teatment of patients with a soft-tissue-tumour or sarcoma with the following tumourgroups or clinical situations:

Localized rhabdomyosarcoma: Based on the results of the European Soft Tissue Study Group (EpSSG) a new risk grouping system and a standard-therapy for patients with local RMS has been developed in the year 2004 as a Pan European consenus. This therapy, which is actually the best known, is part oft the CWS-Guideline.
In addition the CWS-Guidline provides therapy-guidelines for:

Other local "RMS-like" tumours: Extraosseous Ewing tumours, Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour, Synovial sarcoma, Undifferentiated sarcoma

Non-rhabdomyosarcoma ("NRSTS")

Metastatic patients

“Second line” Chemotherapy: Possible fpr patients with only partial-response, stable desease or relapsed desease

Fibromatosis and Myxofibromatosis

Pleuropulmonary Blastoma: (in cooperation with the International Pleuropulmonary Blastoma Registry, USA, CWS-Coordinator Dr. Sylvia Kirsch)

Gastrointestinal Stroma Tumour and Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: (in cooperation with the European Working Group on Pediatric GISTs, CWS-coordinator PD Dr. Martin Benesch, Graz, Österreich)

The CWS-Guidance contains todays best known, standardised therapy-guideline for different soft-tissue tumours and sarcoma. It is based on the results of the european trials CWS-81, 86, 91, 96 and 2002P and other international trials. For patients with RMS a therapy is recommanded, which was developed in 2004 with experts of the "European paediatric Soft Tissue Study Group" as a european standard.

Therapy / Study arms

The therapy-arms will be stratified accordingly to the tumourtype (Rhabdomyosacoma, RMS-like tumours, Non-RMS-like tumours, other soft-tissue-tumours) and the risk-factors (histology, post surgical stage, tumour site, node involvement, initial tumour size and patients’ age).
Patients with a local High-risk Rhabdomyosarcoma, who reached a complete remission after a multimodal chmeotherapy can take part in the randomized, proospective, multinational trial CWS-HR 2007 with the objective to improve the therapy.

Inclusion Criteria

Target population for the treatment :

  • Patients with pathologically confirmed localized or metastasized soft tissue tumour.
  • Diagnostic material available for pathology review.
  • Age less than 21 years (20 years and 364 days)*.
  • * exception: in case of rhabdomyosarcoma, patients older than 21 years of age can be included as well.
Principal Investigator Dr. med. M. Sparber-Sauer, Sr. med. M. Ebinger


Dr. med. M. Sparber-Sauer
Klinikum Stuttgart - Olgahospital
Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin - Pädiatrie 5,
Studienzentrale CWS
Kriegsbergstrasse 62
70174 Stuttgart
Telefon +49 (711) 278 73870
Fax +49 (711) 278 72749

PD Dr. med. Martin Ebinger
Universiätsklinikum Tübingen
Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Hoppe-Seyler Str. 1
72076 Tübingen
Telefon: +49 7071 29-83781 / +49 7071 29-25327
Fax: +49 (711) 278 72749

Sponsoring The "Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung" supports the registry SoTiSaR and the CWS-2007 HR trial. The "Förderkreis Krebskranke Kinder Stuttgart e.V." supports the CWS-study coordination centre.