Everyday precautions

Author: Maria Yiallouros, Gesche Tallen, MD, PhD, erstellt am: 2009/08/25, English Translation: Hannah McRae, Last modification: 2020/05/14

Infectious diseases can be life threatening for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy because their bodies lack a sufficient amount of blood cells and antibodies to effectively fight illnesses. Therefore:

  • Avoid contact with large crowds; stay clear of open playgrounds, shopping centers, and public transportation (including taxis)
  • Allow your child to play outside often (in your own yard) or go on hikes in the woods, but remember to avoid direct sunlight (remember a hat!)
  • Avoid people with infections: no visits by people who have colds
  • If a family member has a cold, avoid close contact with the patient, and let them wear a mask to be safe
  • No contact with other children who have other childhood illnesses (especially chicken pox, shingles, and measles), even if these sicknesses are suspected only. Infections by these viruses can be fatal to the patient.
  • In case a family member has a cold sores (herpes labialis), abstain from “good night kisses”
  • Healthy friends and family of the patient are encouraged to visit; existing social contact should be maintained as much as possible
  • The sick child may continue to sleep in the same room with his or her siblings
  • If the child comes in contact with someone who is sick or contagious despite all the previous precautions, inform the caregiver team immediately so that appropriate management can be initiated to prevent complications.