Preparing for and accompaniment during hospital stays
Author: Gesche Tallen, MD, PhD, Editor: Maria Yiallouros, Reviewer: Prof. Dr. med. U. Creutzig, English Translation: Hannah McRae, Last modification: 2020/05/12
The structures and routines in a large hospital and on a childhood cancer ward are not easy to understand. Also, in the days spent at home, one might often feel even more overwhelmed when trying to cope with the life-threatening illness of a child, as well as with the resulting burden for the other family members, including oneself.
The following chapters are to help you coping by answering frequently asked questions as well as by providing some advice that may be helpful in your current situation. Specific questions should always be directed to your treatment team.
Table of Contents
Who are all the people on the ward and what do they do?
Does our child have to be in the hospital for the whole length of treatment? - Can we stay, too?
How long does treatment take?
What about school?
Is there any support of the siblings?
Can our child have children of his/her own later on?
How are we supposed to keep track of everything?
Recommendations for Home (during or after chemo- and radiotherapy)